Global, Multi Site Deployment
Global extension and deployment of an ERP and WMS cloud based system into the USA, the UK and Europe capable of integration with a multi site manufacturing footprint to ensure fulfilment rates do not fall below 98% for a global portfolio of clients servicing both multi and omni channel clients across 18,000+ sku's.
Ensure technology based system and purpose built warehouse facility is capable of handling in excess of 3,600 retail outlets, managing in excess of 10,000 order lines per day
Integration with both new and legacy based systems to phase implementation over a five year period, without affecting trading or service levels.
Capabilities to manage Omnichannel facility handling B2B and Ecommerce orders.
Overall reduction in inventory levels with increase in service levels
Real Time integration with INFOR M3 using web services for Retail and ECOM orders, Conveyor and Sorting system to optimise efficiencies
Custom developed integration between WMS and third party Carriers
Design and Built 150,000 purpose built distribution facility within 9 months matching fiscal targets
Capabilities to exceed original order lines per day achieved
Significant cost savings from original infrastructure, delivering increased EBITDA, payback exceeded expectations
Implementation of automated conveyor system with VNA technology
Lead times and overall time to market significantly reduced for customers
Landed costs reduced
Inventory levels optimised and reduced
Automated picking and packing using VNA technology for warehouse
System directed Put away and Picking strategies for VNA, Pick and Drop, plus Shelving and Hazmat Sections
Target paperless operation, full task directed handheld operations reducing the need of papers